CanvMe's mission is to make the healing words of God visibly accessible to everyone in need of them.
My approach to sharing God’s message is grounded in a deep-seated respect and reverence for the divine. This respect manifests in two fundamental principles guiding my work.

Firstly, the idea of leveraging sales tactics or marketing ploys is unthinkable to me. My reverence for God is so profound that the mere thought of exploiting His teachings for financial gain or detracting from their sanctity fills me with terror and keeps me up at night. The content I share and the messages I convey are, at their core, an extension of my faith and devotion, not a means to a material end. This responsibility is a burden is an immense load that I bear every single day, no amount of wealth could ever lift it. 

Secondly, the individuals I aim to reach through CanvMe are not merely customers seeking scriptural comfort. They are souls enduring profound struggles, engaged in daily battles within their own minds. Recognizing the depth of their experiences, I feel a profound obligation to approach them with nothing but authenticity and care. My mission is to offer solace and hope through genuine, heartfelt connections, not to exploit vulnerabilities for profit. In essence, CanvMe is more than a business—it is a ministry of the heart, dedicated to uplifting those in their darkest moments through the power and beauty of God’s Word, without compromise or manipulation.
I know the heavy responsibility of sharing God's Word. Guided by a fear of God and the knowledge that 'we who teach will be judged more strictly' (James 3:1), I strive to present His teachings with integrity and humility. I am committed to doing good, yet I fear falling short of His expectations. As I pursue this mission, I earnestly ask for your prayers for wisdom and guidance so I may honor this calling in a way that pleases Him.
Based on 2021 Statistics: On average there are 132 suicides per day according to

At CanvMe, we believe in the power of combining Jesus' teachings with the expertise of medical professionals and the reach of national organizations dedicated to suicide awareness and depression. A portion of profit supports this holistic approach, funding initiatives and partnerships that offer hope, healing, and practical support. Through aligning the timeless wisdom of Scripture with contemporary mental health resources, we aim to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing these profound challenges. More information coming soon.